Even though the new catalog is not available until January 19th, because I am a demonstrator, I can order some products early. Something you many not know is that when you're a demo, you can order the hostess sets and accessories. YEAH! I know! You don't have to try to earn them or buy them off eBay when the catalog ends.
Want to see what I ordered?

(Above is a Level 3 hostess set & Accessories)
I got all of these things for less than $100. I KNOW! See? 20% discount!!! And this was INCLUDING tax and shipping! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR???
Want to sign up to be a demo just for the perks? You never have to sell anything and you can always just order stuff for yourself. I've been a demo for almost 5 years now and I still love it every bit as much as the day I signed. I will say that each year the products get better and better. Oh and PHASE 3 of the Decor Elements will be out with the new catalog. If you've ordered a new catalog from me or if you've earned one, you will be receiving your complimentary brochure. WAHOO!! Sign up to be a demo today! Go to http://janelee.stampinup.net and click JOIN NOW. When it asks for my IDA password, just type in JaneLee234 and you're on your way. You'll get a huge kit of goodies and you can then start ordering pre-order stuff like me THE SAME DAY!
Questions, just send 'em my way.

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