
Very Exciting News!!! (for me at least)

•:*¨¨*:•.Very Exciting News.•:*¨¨*:•

As some of you know, my sweet hubby and I have been house hunting for quite some time. Well, we FINALLY found a house that suited all of our needs. We put an offer on a super cute house (I'll send pictures when we move in) in Saratoga Springs (about 30 miles outside of Salt Lake) and it was accepted. We were going to close on the house on the 9th of November, but that would mean that we could move in the 10th and then my hubby is going on a business trip the next day. We have decided to wait to close on the house until the 19th so that we have ample time to pack, move, unpack, and relax. SO, with that said, my regular Technique Class will not be held in November but will resume again in December. I will still hold a class at my mom's house in Salt Lake but for those of you that are interested in coming to a class in my new home (it's so weird to say that), I'll start one as well. Just let me know if you'd like to start a new one in Saratoga Springs and it shall be done. I don't know what day will work best but my other class (in SLC) will still be held the second Thursday of each month. SO, just because I'm not holding a class in November, it doesn't mean there won't be ordering specials. I can always order merchandise. :o) SO, stay tuned for more updates and/or ordering specials.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

You guys are the BEST!


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